Join us on March 2nd to discuss our progress delivering gender equality
HesaMag places psychosocial risks in the spotlight
Combating violence against women and domestic violence file proceeds
No guarantees as of yet, but positive signs for robust legislation
Gender pay transparency directive negotiations successfully conclude
Where will the Swedish presidency look to deliver?
Both organisations continue their work on gender equality
Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Directive is formally adopted in Strasbourg
European professionals and managers represented in Melbourne
EMPL committee fails to secure workers involvement in CSDD
After a long battle, Marina sadly passed away this week
Over 100 attendees take part in our final conference
Further evidence of legislative limitations leave workers at risk
Platforms must not unduly influence latest directive
General Assembly 2022 concludes with renewed mandate for change
Small steps towards true global whistleblower protection
Worker’s mental health in a global spotlight
Eurocadres set to play key role in updating EU rules.
Long before the latest elections in Europe, our complacency began to cost us