Eurocadres welcomes the Commission initiative to foster a framework of integrated reporting bringing together financial and non-financial information. Eurocadres sees it as an important part of CSR.

Newsletter EU whistleblower protection is possible 4.5.2016Whistleblowing On May 4th the Greens EFA present a draft directive on EU-wide whistleblower protection. Eurocadres has read the directive. –What this draft proposal…

Newsletter Eurocadres starts trade union coordination on whistleblower protection 28.4.2016Whistleblowing On April 26 Eurocadres hosted a meeting on trade union coordination on the issue of whistleblower protection. National trade unions,…

Last week the Commission made a worrying statement about visa reciprocity with the USA. Rather than a development creating more obstacles for Transatlantic mobility the EU should work for making it easier to work and travel across the pond.

Many of our members are researchers, teachers, journalists, authors, engineers or IT workers who are involved in creative work and are, as a consequence, possible intellectual property right holders.

Newsletter We stand with the people of Belgium 22.3.2016General –We express our condolences and warmest support with viticims, injured and their close ones in the Brussels attacks. Belgium and Europe…

Higher education has to be the number one priority for governments and not the first austerity target. Eurocadres believes that a strong European economy will be reached by supporting higher education and research.

Many professions will lose job positions, whereas new will grow. As a result, many of these new jobs will require a different set of skills.

Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, has proposed that a new European Innovation Council is established. Eurocadres has written to the Commissioner asking about the proposal.

A true novelty was introduced at the beginning of 2016 – the European Professional Card is available now for five professions (general care nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, real estate agents and mountain guides).

Quality of working life, is a new thematic priority of Eurocadres. Adding psychosocial health in the Framework directive on occupational safety and health, strengthening parental leave rights and support for the women on boards directive are three of many proposals.

Eurocadres highlights in its reply that all workers, low- or high-skilled should have the opportunity to reskilling and upskilling.

Eurocadres will point out the importance of including highly-skilled professionals in the agenda.

The Social Partners received a request from the European Commission to reply to the first phase consultation on possible action addressing the challenges of work-life balance faced by working parents and caregivers.
Newsletter Eurocadres wishes Happy Holidays! 18.12.2015 On behalf of Eurocadres, the Secretariat team wants to thank all partners for past year’s cooperation and send the warmest wishes for the holiday…

Employment is a key part of the integration process. A large part of the refugees entering Europe hold a higher education degree.

Newsletter Trade secrets trialogue a blow for workers’ mobility 16.12.2015Trade secrets Yesterday (15.12.2015) the Council, Commission and Parliament representatives gathered for the fourth trialogue meeting to conclude the trade secrets negotiations….

Newsletter Trade secrets trialogues continue: open letter to the negotiators 3.12.2015Trade secrets Trilogue negotiations on the Commission’s proposal for a Trade Secrets Directive: legal uncertainty endangers access to information and…

Migrant EU workers are mostly highly educated and, in terms of qualifications, available evidence indicates that the key problem is the recognition of their professional qualifications. This is confirmed by a newly published study of the Commission.

Intra EU mobility is too low. Voluntary use of the freedom of mobility must be promoted and the European Commission, Council and Parliament have to direct attention to this task.
“Real Freedom of Mobility” is the name of the recently adopted position for one of three priority themes of Eurocadres, addressing the issue.