Digital Services Act (DSA) text agreed after mammoth negotiations.
Archaic repression from the Lukashenko regime cannot be tolerated
French court fines platform for refusal to recognise working status
Landmark vote moves a critical file to trilogue negotiations.
Newsletter We’re hiring – are you our next projects and policy officer? 28.3.2022General We are looking for a new projects and policy officer to join the Eurocadres secretariat in June….
Newsletter Trade Union leaders meet with Ukrainian counterparts 25.3.2022Ukraine During an emotional meeting, CGT and Eurocadres offer all support possible. The horrific war in Ukraine has been underway for over…
Newsletter Eurocadres participates in Tripartite Social Summit 24.3.2022Education & TrainingSocial dialogue Representing Europe’s professionals and managers, we call on Europe’s leaders to further strengthen social dialogue. The blockades preventing the…
Movement on files in the Parliament and Council are cause for optimism
The push to the European Commission is adopted on a vote of 551 to 30, with 110 abstentions.
While we celebrate the achievements to date, what actions can impact the existing gaps between genders?
Newsletter campaign reaches the European Parliament 2.3.2022Occupational health and safetyPsychosocial risksWork/life managementWorking conditions In a new draft report, Parliamentarians support the call for a directive on work-related psychosocial risks. …
Newsletter French whistleblower law adopted 3.2.2022Whistleblowing The National Assembly secures vital protection for French whistleblowers. On Tuesday 1 February, a joint committee, including both deputies and senators, reached an agreement…
Newsletter Former Eurocadres President Carlo Parietti passes away aged 71 23.1.2022General An integral part of our history, Carlo will be remembered as a kind and compassionate advocate for workers’ rights…
Newsletter Digital Services Act adopted by the European Parliament 20.1.2022DigitalisationIntellectual property rights Landmark vote paves the way for the introduction of new rules to Europe’s digital sphere. On Thursday, January…
Amendments to the Sylvain Waserman bill leaves whistleblowers without crucial protection
Newsletter How the French presidency can deliver for European workers 17.12.2021DigitalisationEmploymentOccupational health and safetyPsychosocial risksSocial dialogue As Emmanuel Macron outlines his presidency priorities, a just transition must be central to…
Newsletter Progress as European Commission delivers protections for platform workers 9.12.2021EmploymentOccupational health and safetyOrganisingWorking conditions Many of the calls from trade unions are answered as draft directive outlines how platforms…
Eurocadres outlines how the fund can enable a just recovery post-COVID in European Forum event.
At the conclusion of his second term in office, Martin Jefflén departs Eurocadres for a new venture in trade unionism
A French national and UGICT-CGT member, Ms Glaise received an overwhelming majority from Eurocadres members.