
Wild West of Whistleblowers


Protecting whistleblowers helps to encourage a culture of transparency and accountability for public and private institutions. As professionals and managers are those who are most likely to come in contact with information which needs to be disclosed, they are fighting in the first line.

Whistleblower protection supported by the European Parliament


The own-initiative report on the legitimate measures to protect whistleblowers acting in the public interest by Virginie Rozière was voted through in the European Parliament today by 399 votes for and 101 against. This is a strong political message that Europe needs whistleblower protection.

Saving money with whistleblower protection

The report picks out those countries that have some sort of whistleblower protection in place – and the findings are remarkable. The report highlights that corruption costs approximately 120 billion euros per year in the EU! Of that sum, 5.3 billion is related to corruption in public procurement.

Working time – there are limits!

8.6.2017Working time

The Working Time Directive triggered more than 50 judgments by the Court of Justice of the EU. The EU Commission took initiative to clarify obvious misunderstandings and provide legal guidance and legal certainty for a better application of the directive.

Fundamental values are the basis of the EU

Eurocadres main message at the Tripartite Social Summit, is that the time is right for an EU-wide whistleblower protection. With European companies working across country borders and employees making use of their freedom of mobility and taking up work in another country it is highly topical.

Europe has an obligation to improve social rights

Next Monday – January 23 – the European Commission will reveal its latest thinking on social policy and legislation at a conference “The European Pillar of Social Rights: going forward together” with President Juncker and Commissioner Thyssen.

Social rights first

On new years eve the consultation of the European Commission on the European pillar of Social rights ends. Eurocadres has signed up on the campaign headed by ETUC to put Social Rights First! Sign your support for a social Europe on www.socialrightsfirst.eu.