The European Professional Card
A true novelty was introduced at the beginning of 2016. The European Professional Card is now available for five professions: general care nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, real estate agents and mountain guides.

The revision of the Directive on Recognition of Professional Qualifications brought about the introduction of a European Professional Card. Professionals will then be able to apply for the recognition of their qualification in other EU countries through the Internal Market Information System (IMI).
The right step on the road to European mobility for professionals
Eurocadres welcomes this crucial step towards an easier recognition of professional qualifications as it is the right step on the road to European mobility for professionals.
Eurocadres will monitor current procedures and support new serious initiatives. Though, the card itself should not create a division on the labour market between the holders of the card and the non-holders. Further, it should be linked to the European Qualification Framework and include formal education and training, informal learning in personal and professional life and knowledge gained through work experience.