Reskilling and upskilling should be for everyone
Eurocadres has submitted a written reply to the Commission on the New Skills Agenda. The social partners were asked for input to specific questions. Eurocadres highlights in its reply that all workers, low- or high-skilled should have the opportunity to reskilling and upskilling.

Todays’ labour market is fast-changing mainly due to digitalisation. Working methods and knowledge change rapidly, and therefore skills and qualifications obtained a couple of decades ago might not be up-to-date to meet the needs on the modern labour market. Education and training should be encouraged at work places, as both the employer and employee benefit from it.
Education and training should be encouraged at work places, as both the employer and employee benefit from it.
Another important issue is to increase mobility. To do that we have to overcome the challenges related to the recognition of degrees, skills and qualifications. Member states have a responsibility to implement qualification frameworks to better enable talent to move across borders.
Less than four percent live and work in another EU country. We would like to see better tools and better cooperation between member states to enhance and support labour mobility in both ways: both incoming and outgoing.
As it is clear that the Skills Agenda is focusing on labour market needs, the involvement of the social partners is crucial in every step.
Read our full answer here.