Real mobility for professionals
The trade secrets directive proposal discussions are going ahead, but slowly. The European Parliament, Commission and Council have so far held three trilogue meetings on the issue, and the following one is anticipated for next week’s Strasbourg session.
According to rapporteur Constance Le Grip (EPP), there is no progress in the problematic issues. She said in the Legal Affairs (JURI) committee (12.11.2015) that the Council and Commission have now expressed willingness to make a new text proposal to meet the concerns of certain transparency issues.
This includes freedom of expression and freedom of media, but foremost the free mobility of workers.
As Eurocadres has emphasised during the past year, the proposed trade secrets definition and limitation period are a threat to real freedom of mobility for professionals.
It is good that the European institutions have awakened to this problem, and as Le Grip expressed in the JURI committee, the current proposal can create obstacles for workers’ mobility during their professional career.