Press conference on whistleblowing
Invitation to the launch of the trade union and NGO coalition for EU-wide whistleblower protection at the Press Club in Brussels, 17 October.

17 OCTOBER 2016; 12:30-14:30
On 17 October a platform calling for EU-wide whistleblower protection is launched by the first signatories of a joint statement. Together with trade unions, academics, NGOs and political groups we are calling for action by the European Commission. Please register your participation here latest Friday at noon (CET).
It will be open for additional organisations and individuals to sign after the launch.
Agenda for the event
12:30-13:00 Standing lunch
13:00-13:20 Launch of the platform (speakers: President Martin Jefflén, Eurocadres; Confederal Secretary Esther Lynch, ETUC; Nadja Salson, EPSU; Renate Schröder, EFJ; Carl Dolan, Transparency International EU Office)
13:20-13:25 Video message from Antoine Deltour
13:25-13:40 Q&A
13:40-14:00 Discussion with MEP Jávor Benedek, Greens/EFA
14:00-14:15 Discussion & Closing
14:30 END
Janina Mackiewicz, Policy Officer of Eurocadres. janina.mackiewicz[at]eurocadres.eu, +32 2 2240732 and Martin Jefflén, President of Eurocadres, martin.jefflen[at]eurocadres.eu, +32-473 555 344