Eurocadres is organising a launch of the new guide on internal whistleblowing channels that can be used by trade unions and employers.

The European cross-sectoral social partners concluded in June 2020 a new autonomous framework agreement on digitalisation. Eurocadres will in a series of 4 workshops discuss strategies for implementation of the agreement with its member organisations.

Eurocadres in partnership with the Whistleblowing International Network (WIN) and Transparency International Europe are delighted to announce the development and launch of a new online platform to monitor transposition and implementation of the EU Directive on Whistleblowing (2019/1937) across Europe.

Eurocadres has developed an online self-learning tool for trade union representatives about whistleblowing channels in workplaces.

Join in for the launch of the online tool and to hear why it is important that trade unions are involved in whistleblowing work.

In the beginning of March the European Commission submitted a directive proposal on pay transparency, which aims at targeting the right to equal pay between women and men for equal work or work of equal value.

In May 2021 EU leaders, heads of state and governments and social partners gathered in Porto, Portugal for the Social Summit where the action plan implementing the pillar was signed by the representatives of EU institutions and social partners. Martin Jefflén, participating for Eurocadres, underlined the need for lifelong learning and investments in skills and education.

Going back to pre-covid times of 100% office work will most likely not happen. A vast majority of organisations will adopt hybrid models, allowing more time for telework and remote working.

Trade unions fight for better health & safety in the workplace and in law and together with safety representatives play a vital role in ensuring health and safety, says Eurocadres together with 10 European trade union organisations for the 28 April International Workers Memorial Day.

Eurocadres is in favour of legislation defining the right to disconnect. Trade unions have an important part to play in social dialogue and collective bargaining on the issue.

The EU Whistleblowing Meter tracks the progress of transposition in each country.

it is time to set up internal whistleblowing channels to promote reporting in organisations. Online event 26 March 2021, 10:00 – 12:00 CET.

Today on International Women’s Day, we want to point out some of the challenges women face in their professional career.

Eurocadres wishes all restful holidays. Our Secretariat is closed and reopens on 4 January 2021.

In a toolkit developed in a project cooperation between Protect and Eurocadres a best practice for whistleblowing is put forward.

Eurocadres demands a directive on work organisation and psychosocial risks for an upcoming EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety.

On 3 December 10-12 CET Eurocadres organises a webinar on trade unions and whistleblowing. Workers with whistles – How trade unions can empower whistleblowers. One year has passed since the EU Whistleblowing Directive entered into force. One year is left of the time member states have to implement it into national legislation. Is time running out for trade unions protecting whistleblowers in Europe?

Belarus, AI, the right to disconnect, gender equality and EndStress.EU were in focus at the 2020 Eurocadres General Assembly on 15 October.

Trade unions are launching a campaign for an EU law to tackle work-related stress amid a mental health crisis worsened by the lockdown.