
New civil society monitor on the EU Whistleblowing Directive

Eurocadres in partnership with the Whistleblowing International Network (WIN) and Transparency International Europe are delighted to announce the development and launch of a new online platform to monitor transposition and implementation of the EU Directive on Whistleblowing (2019/1937) across Europe.

Skills in focus in Social Summit in Porto

In May 2021 EU leaders, heads of state and governments and social partners gathered in Porto, Portugal for the Social Summit where the action plan implementing the pillar was signed by the representatives of EU institutions and social partners. Martin Jefflén, participating for Eurocadres, underlined the need for lifelong learning and investments in skills and education.

Webinar 3 December: Workers with whistles


On 3 December 10-12 CET Eurocadres organises a webinar on trade unions and whistleblowing. Workers with whistles – How trade unions can empower whistleblowers. One year has passed since the EU Whistleblowing Directive entered into force. One year is left of the time member states have to implement it into national legislation. Is time running out for trade unions protecting whistleblowers in Europe?