
Eurocadres wishes Happy Holidays!


Newsletter Eurocadres wishes Happy Holidays! 18.12.2015 On behalf of Eurocadres, the Secretariat team wants to thank all partners for past year’s cooperation and send the warmest wishes for the holiday…

Trade secrets trialogue a blow for workers’ mobility

16.12.2015Trade secrets

Newsletter Trade secrets trialogue a blow for workers’ mobility 16.12.2015Trade secrets Yesterday (15.12.2015) the Council, Commission and Parliament representatives gathered for the fourth trialogue meeting to conclude the trade secrets negotiations….

EU Must Increase Intra-EU Mobility

Person with back-pack walking.

Intra EU mobility is too low. Voluntary use of the freedom of mobility must be promoted and the European Commission, Council and Parliament have to direct attention to this task.
“Real Freedom of Mobility” is the name of the recently adopted position for one of three priority themes of Eurocadres, addressing the issue.

Eurocadres’ Office closed 23-24 November


Newsletter Eurocadres’ Office closed 23-24 November 22.11.2015 Due to the current security situation in Brussels the office of Eurocadres will remain closed on 23-24 November. To get in touch with…

Real mobility for professionals

12.11.2015Trade secrets

As Eurocadres has emphasized during the past year, the proposed trade secrets definition and limitation period are a threat to real freedom of mobility for professionals.

Declaration of French Delegates to General Assembly

French delegation

Newsletter Declaration of French Delegates to General Assembly 27.10.2015General The French Delegation of six trade union member organisations presented its joint declaration to the General Assembly on 20 October 2015….

Real Freedom of Mobility

Only addressing the posting of workers directive and social security coordination is not good enough. There are many more issues that need to be addressed.

Digitalisation is taking over

ICT2015 in Lisbon

The European Commission organised its biggest digital event of the year, ICT2015, with more than 7000 participants in Lisbon. The biggest aims and challenges for the digital era are how to create growth and jobs. Many talk about the 900.000 unfilled vacancies and skills mismatch in Europe, which were also mentioned at the event.

New face of Eurocadres


Newsletter New face of Eurocadres 19.10.2015General –With the new website, logo and visual identity we have better tools to be a strong voice for the interests of professionals and managers…