On 5 December an action demanding EU-wide whistleblower protection took place outside of Berlaymont, the main European Commission building.

In the Tripartite Social Summit on 16 November 2017 Eurocadres stressed just transition and criticised the lack of whistleblower protection.

On 14 November (2017) WhistleblowerProtection.EU, a platform which Eurocadres initiated in October 2016, met with Tiina Astola – Director General of DG JUST. The signatures of the petition and a list of the organisations participating in the platform were handed over.

Newsletter Video: General report shows Eurocadres’ work 5.11.2017General The General report shows what Eurocadres have been doing for four years before the Congress. Instead of only submitting a written report,…

Newsletter New policy programme & action plan 3.11.2017GeneralPolicy paper What do professionals and managers in Europe want and need? The Eurocadres 2017 Congress decided on the main policies and action…

We firmly believe that a more social Europe is a stronger Europe. Social divides within and between member states do not foster improved resilience.

The Eurocadres Congress debated the need for work-life balance to achieve equal career development for all. Women especially are in danger of falling behind in their careers, salaries and pensions to uneven demands of care-taking responsibilities.

Protecting whistleblowers helps to encourage a culture of transparency and accountability for public and private institutions. As professionals and managers are those who are most likely to come in contact with information which needs to be disclosed, they are fighting in the first line.

Eurocadres assembles for Congress in the premises of the Economic and Social Committee in Brussels on 30-31 October 2017.

The own-initiative report on the legitimate measures to protect whistleblowers acting in the public interest by Virginie Rozière was voted through in the European Parliament today by 399 votes for and 101 against. This is a strong political message that Europe needs whistleblower protection.

European Union Unity is the theme of the Eurocadres Congress when it gathers for Congress in Brussels on 30-31 October 2017.

The report picks out those countries that have some sort of whistleblower protection in place – and the findings are remarkable. The report highlights that corruption costs approximately 120 billion euros per year in the EU! Of that sum, 5.3 billion is related to corruption in public procurement.

EU Commission published a report on working conditions of academic staff. Rapid and continuous changes in the world of academia affects employees.

The service package proposed by the European Commission on 10 January 2017 is causing debate in trade unions across Europe.

The Working Time Directive triggered more than 50 judgments by the Court of Justice of the EU. The EU Commission took initiative to clarify obvious misunderstandings and provide legal guidance and legal certainty for a better application of the directive.

Show your support for whistleblower protection. Take a few minutes to respond to the public consultation of the European Commission.

The Social Pillar has been published. The Future of EU must include social progress. The challenges that we face on the labour market call for good and clear responses.

–We urge the Commission to remain firm on Hungary and the appalling attacks on democracy, most recently in higher education and civil society, says Martin Jefflén, President of Eurocadres

On the afternoon of Wednesday 15 March the verdict from the LuxLeaks trial, following the appeal, was released. Once again a good deed was punished. The verdict is a strong signal that EU needs a strong whistleblower protection. We

Eurocadres main message at the Tripartite Social Summit, is that the time is right for an EU-wide whistleblower protection. With European companies working across country borders and employees making use of their freedom of mobility and taking up work in another country it is highly topical.