
Unions reach out to the self-employed

self employed

Newsletter Unions reach out to the self-employed 18.10.2018Employment A new ETUC report titled, trade union protecting self-employed workers, sets out the problems facing this growing section of Europe’s workforce. This…

Towards EU elections


A strong economy with a strong knowledge-base is what we strive for in Europe. We see that investment in people and their skills will create a European Union, which is good and safe to live in.

Press lunch 15 May

Newsletter Press lunch 15 May 9.5.2018Whistleblowing A civil society response to the whistleblower protection directive. On 23 April the Commission introduced its directive proposal on whistleblower protection. Our platform, WhistleblowerProtection.EU, was…

Cross-border workers at risk

With just over one week left until the foreseen publication of a legislative proposal from the European Commission on whistleblower protection, Eurocadres publishes a report making the case for a strong EU legislation.

An EU budget fit for the future


The future of the EU depends on the MFF, the long-term budget. This seven year plan will set the level of ambition on the various fields of activity of the European Union. Eurocadres underlines the need to continue increasing the investments in higher education, innovation and research.

Final push in Luxembourg

Today the Court of Cassation in Luxembourg has cancelled the previous verdict of the famous whistleblower Antoine Deltour. This means that a new appeal trial will have to take place.