
Joint statement with EPSU on labour inspectorates

Protection, support and respect now needed.


Over the course of our Flexibility at Work project, Eurocadres have engaged in detailed discussions with labour inspectors from across the European Union, seeking to understand how emerging working patterns and practices have impacted their ability to carry out their work.

Together with EPSU – The European Federation of Public Service Unions, we have collated some of these challenges into a joint statement (available below) on behalf of labour inspectors from various countries, calling for European action to address this real, and rising, crisis. With both Eurocadres and EPSU having a longstanding tradition of fighting for the rights of these workers, our efforts will centre on securing guarantees for labour inspectors no matter where they work in the next European mandate.

“Consistent underfunding and the lack of support afforded to these essential workers is shocking, and cannot continue. We are happy to work with EPSU and fight for the rights labour inspectors are entitled to and deserve”

The significance of labour inspectors cannot be overstated, with these individuals playing a crucial role in safeguarding workplaces and workers, while holding employers and companies accountable when failing to uphold safety standards. Their ability to undertake activities is a fundamental element in the success or failure of European and national legislation, which is not worth the paper it is written on without proper implementation. As we have heard throughout our discussions with labour inspectors, in some countries, the deterioration of labour inspections has led to a reduction of inspections at the workplace and an increase in the number of occupational accidents, making it near impossible to carry out preventive measures.

While new forms of work have contributed to these issues, the central issue remains underfunding of labour inspectorates, with the EU’s new fiscal rules likely to further exacerbate the situation. Support, training and protection also remain critical factors, which need to be addressed at European level.

Speaking on the approval of this joint statement, Eurocadres President Nayla Glaise stated: “The role of labour inspectors is crucial to the upholding of safety standards throughout Member States. To have heard their experiences and the conditions they face is eye-opening, and we will do all we can to help improve their situation.

Simply put, the consistent underfunding and the lack of support afforded to these essential workers is shocking, and cannot continue. We are happy to work with EPSU and fight for the rights labour inspectors are entitled to and deserve, and thank our colleagues at EPSU for all their work and cooperation”.

Our statement can be found in English, Spanish, French and Italian below.