Higher education should be a priority for governments
Higher education has to be a top priority for governments and not the first austerity target. Eurocadres believes that a strong European economy will be reached by supporting higher education and research.

Europe has to claim its position at the top in quality higher education by modernising curricula and investing in research and teaching. Our educations systems, graduates and employers need to be responsive for the fast-changing labour market.
Education should always be considered as a common good with a public interest. Institutions and governments should ensure access to higher education to all, regardless of financial resources, thereby avoiding social inequality.
Europe has to be the number one destination for international students.
The main challenge is to make our higher education systems attractive enough. Our institutions are in need of new talents and therefore, Europe has to be the number one destination for international students.
There is also room for improving access and equality for European citizens aspiring tertiary education.
Read Eurocadres’ reply to the European Commission on the public consultation on the Review of the EU agenda for modernisation of higher education systems.