European Social Dialogue – new work programme 2019-2021
The European social partners agreed on a new work programme for the years 2019-2021. As a recognised European social partner Eurocadres has been involved in the negotiations. We particularly welcome the priorities on skills, psychosocial risks at work and digitalisation, as they reflect our key policy priorities.
The issue of digitalisation is the top priority of this work programme as the social partners agreed to negotiate an Autonomous Framework Agreement. In the negotiations various issues around digitalisation will be discussed such as acquisition of digital skills, work organisation and working conditions.
Eurocadres has constantly called for better re- and upskilling possibilities for workers, but also for those who are already highly educated but in need of new skill sets. We need good transition support systems to follow along the rapid changes on the labour market. Social partners and other labour market actors must be involved in planning suitable programmes with higher education institutions.
Psychosocial risks are the main occupational health hazards of professionals and managers. Around half of European workers consider stress to be common in their workplace, and it contributes to around half of all lost working days. Like many other issues surrounding mental health, stress is often misunderstood or stigmatised. Eurocadres is calling social partners to put in place risks assessment and management strategies to protect mental health of employees as it is done for many other physical health hazards.