European competence for Supervision
An open European labour market needs Europe-wide recognition of diplomas which allows real opportunities and perspectives for professionals.
The final conference in Vienna on 24th and 25th September 2015 presented the project outcomes: competence framework, concepts of validation of supervisory competences and an outlook to further steps of establishing a Europe-wide harmonised profession.
ECVision - A European System of Comparability and Validation of Supervisory Competences was dedicated to providing instruments to assure comparability of supervisory competences and qualifications and thereby initialize a Europe wide comparability of vocational training for supervision.
ECVision allowed to examine the profession of supervisors and coaches. Supervision and coaching are manifold and there is little common basis on a European level. Not even the terminology is comparable. Nor are the VET-systems (Vocational and Education Training): VET for supervisors is provided by Universities as well as by private companies and job-oriented adult education centers.
- To define common core tasks and responsibilities for supervisors: comparing the national premises shall contribute to the development of quality lifelong learning.
- To provide common European reference tools without harmonizing the divers national approaches: a comparable terminology - a Glossary - as well as a Competence Matrix shall create a common ground for the professional discourse on a European level.
- The core instrument to provide that would be the Competence Matrix. It aims:
- To assure comparability in vocational training by describing supervisory competences and qualifications in Learning Outcomes.
- To provide an instrument for planning and evaluating supervision and coaching for customers, esp. as a measure in personnel development.
- Die Wiener Volkshochschulen (Vienna Adult Education Center) (A), Project Coordinator
- ANSE - Association for National Organisations for Supervision in Europe (A),
- University of Gothenburg/Department of Social Work (S)
- TOPS Munich-Berlin (association of trainers, advisers and researches) (D)
- University of Zagreb (HR)
- Coachkwadraat (network company for coaching, supervision and organizational development) (NL)