Directive on whistleblower protection
Eurocadres, the European trade union voice of professionals & managers, welcomes directive proposal: Proposed directive will give broad protection to whistleblowers in the EU.

–In many ways it is a very good proposal which will give a broad protection to whistleblowers in the EU. We have pushed for this and the proposal now sets a wide scope including for example self-employed, consultants and volunteers. This we warmly welcome, says Martin Jefflén, President of Eurocadres.
In 2016 Eurocadres, the European trade union voice of professionals and managers, initiated the platform WhistleblowerProtection.EU, now consisting of nearly 90 organisations. Eurocadres has the past years advocated strongly for an EU-protection of whistleblowers in alliance with other trade unions and NGO:s, influencing the Commission and working closely with European Parliament members.
–Many professionals and managers work across borders, and companies are active across borders too. Without an EU-legislation these workers are put at risk. Today’s proposal will help safeguarding cross- border workers. We now ask the Parliament and Council to assist in a swift process so that the legislation can be approved before getting too close to the EU elections, Martin Jefflén continues.
–It must be easy for whistleblowers to understand if they will be protected or not.
The proposal will now be carefully assessed and Eurocadres will together with the member organisations of the platform WhistleblowerProtection.EU work on improving what needs to be improved through proposing amendments.
–It must be easy for whistleblowers to understand if they will be protected or not. Individuals cannot be required to know the detailed contents of EU-legislation. The directive must be very clear on this. We also regret that reporting on worker rights is not covered by the proposal and would welcome a social partner consultation to include this, Martin Jefflén concludes.
Other positive elements of the directive include reversed burden of proof when whistleblowers suffer retaliation, requirement to set up reporting channels and wide understanding of retaliation. Included is also a right to publicly disclose information, although with limitations which may need to be amended.
For further information:
Martin Jefflén, President, +32-473-555 344, martin.jefflen@eurocadres.eu
Janina Mackiewicz, Head of EU Affairs, +32 473-533 770, janina.mackiewicz@eurocadres.eu
(List of member organisations in the platform mentioned: www.whistleblowerprotection.eu)