COVID-19 update
Eurocadres is of course taking precautionary actions to combat the COVID-19 virus. Below are listed the actions currently affecting Eurocadres' activities. Updated information of 15 April.

Eurocadres' Secretariat is teleworking
All secretariat staff are now teleworking from home until further notice, but at least until 3 May. We can be reached via our respective e-mails and with Microsoft Teams using those e-mail addresses.
Meetings (abroad or in Brussels)
All meetings which require participants to travel abroad to the event, are replaced with on-line meetings or cancelled at least until 3 May. Information on which meetings will be held on-line and which are cancelled will be communicated to the participants of each meeting. Secretariat is now using Microsoft Teams and BlueJeans for online meetings. Next Eurocadres Executive Committee meeting scheduled for 14-15 May will be organised as an online meeting.
Whistleblowing training in Belgrade postponed
The final training in our project on whistleblowing in European workplaces has been postponed until further notice. It was set to take place in Belgrade 23-24 April. A new date will be communicated later.
EndStress.EU launch postponed – open for new signatories
The EndStress.EU launch scheduled for 18 March was postponed until further notice. Awaiting a new launch date, the platform welcomes new signatories at http://tinyurl.com/EndStressSignup.
Eurocadres Staff participation in Meetings or Events taking place abroad
Eurocadres staff are NOT allowed to travel to meetings or events taking place abroad, at least until 3 May.
ETUC sets up website on trade union responses to COVID-19
In many countries there are social partner negotiations on responses to COVID-19. To assist with the work ETUC has set up a website gathering joint statements, bi-partite and tri-partite agreements on dealing with the effects of the corona virus emergency.
ETUC asks for more contributions to the resource bank. Please send any bi-or tri partite agreement or statement by your union(s) and employers preferably summarised in English, otherwise in original language, to etuccovid@etuc.org.