Better re- and upskilling possibilities for workers
Eurocadres is calling for better re- and upskilling possibilities for workers through a resolution that was adopted at the General Assembly on 17 October

New technologies, the shift towards a low carbon economy and an ageing population are having a profound impact on jobs and the skill sets they require.
We need good transition support systems to follow along the rapid changes on the labour market.
For a long time, Eurocadres has persistently called for better re- and upskilling possibilities for workers, also for highly educated who need new skill sets. We need good transition support systems to follow along the rapid changes on the labour market. For example, it is important that access to training is a right (also for self-employed), not a favour for the employee. Also, skills acquired at work, non-formal and informal, need to get official recognition by setting up certification systems.
It is important to ensure that […] we train people with the right skills for the right jobs.
Social partners and other labour market actors must be involved in planning suitable programmes with higher education institutions. It is important to ensure that the education chain is working and that we train people with the right skills for the right jobs.
The resolution is available here.