

A directive on psychosocial risks!

At Eurocadres’ General Assembly in Lisbon, a resolution on psychosocial risks was adopted. Eliminating psychosocial risks at the workplace is a key demand for Eurocadres.


Occupational health and safety must tackle both physical and mental wellbeing. Today, exhaustion and burnout from work-related stress are the biggest modern occupational diseases of our time.

Especially for professionals and managers working outside working hours is common, due to constant availability through new technologies. This increases the risk of being overburdened with work.

Of all managers, 42% find it more difficult to deal with psychosocial health rather than other forms of occupational health and safety work.

Of all managers, 42% find it more difficult to deal with psychosocial health rather than other forms of occupational health and safety work. A clear legislation on healthy organisational and social working environment is needed.

Therefore, Eurocadres demands that the European Commission involves the Social Partners in creating a Directive on Psychosocial Risks during this mandate.

The resolution is available here.