European women are more and more highly-skilled, and a growing number of women graduate with tertiary education. Not only is advancing to managerial positions a challenge, but the wages of women are also lagging far behind.
The European Parliament today encouraged the Council to unblock the ‘Women on Boards’ Directive, in order to address gender inequality in Europe’s boardrooms.
The EU institutions have reached a provisional agreement on the European Commission’s proposal for a work-life balance directive.
‘Gender inequality remains a defining characteristic of European labour markets’, states the new Eurofound report titled, ‘Women in management: underrepresented and overstretched?’
Newsletter Does high education lead to a high salary? 19.2.2018Gender equalityHigher education ETUC, the European Trade Union Confederation, is running Our Pay Rise, a campaign promoting a recovery of EU…
Quality of working life, is a new thematic priority of Eurocadres. Adding psychosocial health in the Framework directive on occupational safety and health, strengthening parental leave rights and support for the women on boards directive are three of many proposals.
The Social Partners received a request from the European Commission to reply to the first phase consultation on possible action addressing the challenges of work-life balance faced by working parents and caregivers.
Newsletter The Commission Work Programme focuses further on growth and jobs 28.10.2015DigitalisationEducation & TrainingGender equalityMobilitySocial dialogue The Commission published its new Work Programme for 2016 on 27 October 2015 setting out…