Our latest project event takes place in Malta.

Join us on March 2nd to discuss our progress delivering gender equality

Combating violence against women and domestic violence file proceeds

Gender pay transparency directive negotiations successfully conclude

Both organisations continue their work on gender equality

Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Directive is formally adopted in Strasbourg

Trilogue negotiations show a gap in institution’s thinking

We set forward our view on how to improve the draft directive

Landmark vote moves a critical file to trilogue negotiations.

Movement on files in the Parliament and Council are cause for optimism

While we celebrate the achievements to date, what actions can impact the existing gaps between genders?

In the beginning of March the European Commission submitted a directive proposal on pay transparency, which aims at targeting the right to equal pay between women and men for equal work or work of equal value.

Today on International Women’s Day, we want to point out some of the challenges women face in their professional career.