Newsletter ILO supporting a Brighter Future for Work 12.2.2019Employment The international Labour Organisation’s (ILOs) Global Commission on the Future of Work has published a new report titled: ‘Working for a…

The European Equal Pay Day is marked 3 November this year. European women are more and more highly-skilled, and a growing number of women graduate with tertiary education.

There has been a rapid rise in the number of workers categorized as self-employed in recent years. In 2016, 30.5 million workers within the EU 28 Member States were self-employed.

Newsletter Unions reach out to the self-employed 18.10.2018Employment A new ETUC report titled, trade union protecting self-employed workers, sets out the problems facing this growing section of Europe’s workforce. This…

EU Commission published a report on working conditions of academic staff. Rapid and continuous changes in the world of academia affects employees.

On new years eve the consultation of the European Commission on the European pillar of Social rights ends. Eurocadres has signed up on the campaign headed by ETUC to put Social Rights First! Sign your support for a social Europe on

European conference on IPR in Brussels in September 2016. The participants will address political implications on society, companies and employees.

Newsletter The Single Market Strategy will have a big impact on the labour market 30.10.2015DigitalisationEmploymentInnovation The Single Market Strategy was presented by the Commission Vice President Jyrki Katainen and Commissioner…
Eurocadres – the Council of European Professional and Managerial Staff – is satisfied that the European Commission has decided to prioritise jobs, growth and investment in its working programme.
A competitive Europe is built on a social Europe, where a well-educated workforce has a strong sense of security to take and make their own opportunities, using their skills. Where green jobs drive change to reach essential climate goals while making us leader in technology that needs to be in place for us to sustain life on this planet.