News Headlines

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| Social dialogue

Europe has an obligation to improve social rights

Next Monday – January 23 – the European Commission will reveal its latest thinking on social policy and legislation at a conference “The European Pillar of Social Rights: going forward together” with President Juncker and Commissioner Thyssen.

| Occupational health and safety

Psychosocial health risks – EU guide for SMEs

The EU Commission clarifies that employers are obliged to protect workers from psychosocial risks and that these risks have to be duly taken into account in the risk assessment process.

| Skills & qualifications

The European Commission wants to clarify regulated professions

The Commission is proposing for the member states to assess the necessity and balance of some regulated professions, that now sum up to 5 500 in total across the EU.

Young woman with suitcase
| General | Skills & qualifications

Clear priorities of Eurocadres on the European Pillar of Social Rights

Eurocadres has been part of the joint work with ETUC on the response to the public consultation of the European Commission on the European Pillar of Social Rights. While supporting the common response the priorities are clear: up- & re-skilling, whistleblower protection and psychosocial health risks.

| General

Eurocadres wishes Happy Holidays!

Eurocadres wishes Happy Holidays! See you again in 2017. We open our Secretariat 9 January. Have a good rest!

| Digitalisation

Digitalisation is changing work

Digitalisation is both an opportunity and a challenge, is changing work as we know it across sectors and is shaping industry, services and markets. In a recently adopted position Eurocadres underlines some important aspects to work on to achieve a better outcome in digitalisation.

| Education & Training | Skills & qualifications

“In the Mirror of Competences”

Launch event of the publication “In the Mirror of Competences” on a European glossary and a European competence framework for supervision and coaching held end of November 2017.

| Employment | Skills & qualifications

Social rights first

On new years eve the consultation of the European Commission on the European pillar of Social rights ends. Eurocadres has signed up on the campaign headed by ETUC to put Social Rights First! Sign your support for a social Europe on

| Intellectual property rights

Intellectual property rights are workers’ rights

Intellectual property rights (IPR) are a prerequisite for innovation and growth. Highly-skilled professionals actively contribute to research, development and innovation during their work life.

| Whistleblowing

LuxLeaks appeal trial has begun

The LuxLeaks case is one of the freshest examples that EU-wide whistleblower protection is needed.