News Headlines
Plight of workers conveniently omitted from new proposals
Sustainable peace must be the objective of EU foreign policy
Upcoming agenda set for the next six months
Webinar focuses on victories won and next steps
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119 organisations come together in a joint position on EU policy ending Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation – ‘SLAPP’ lawsuits – in Europe.
The COVID-19 pandemic has an enormous impact on mental health and well-being. A coalition of organisations put out recommendations in a joint statement.
We call on all public authorities and institutions to protect those who report or expose harms, abuses and wrongdoings arising from the COVID-19 crisis.
Eurocadres is of course taking precautionary actions to combat the COVID-19 virus. Here are listed the actions currently affecting Eurocadres’ activities.
Until further notice, the launch event planned for 18 March will unfortunately be cancelled due to recent developments regarding COVID-19.
Eurocadres wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. The Secretariat is back on 6 January.
Today, Eurocadres launched its campaign EndStress.EU. The aim of the campaign is to make a breakthrough in occupational health and safety legislation on EU level.
For over three years now, the whistleblower directive has been at the heart of Eurocadres’ activities. During the General Assembly in Lisbon, Eurocadres’ members adopted a resolution its demanding that the existing flaws of the directive should be fixed on national level.
Eliminating psychosocial risks at the workplace is a key demand for Eurocadres. Occupational health and safety must tackle both physical and mental wellbeing.
Eurocadres is calling for better re- and upskilling possibilities for workers through a resolution that was adopted at the General Assembly on 17 October.