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| Gender equality

IWD 2022: What is needed to achieve gender equality?

While we celebrate the achievements to date, what actions can impact the existing gaps between genders?

| Occupational health and safety | Psychosocial risks campaign reaches the European Parliament

In a new draft report, Parliamentarians support the call for a directive on work-related psychosocial risks.  A new draft report on Mental Health in the Digital World of Work, presented…

| Whistleblowing

French whistleblower law adopted

The National Assembly secures vital protection for French whistleblowers. On Tuesday 1 February, a joint committee, including both deputies and senators, reached an agreement on the French transposition of the…

| General

Former Eurocadres President Carlo Parietti passes away aged 71

An integral part of our history, Carlo will be remembered as a kind and compassionate advocate for workers’ rights Eurocadres wishes to send our deepest condolences to the family and…

| Digitalisation | Intellectual property rights

Digital Services Act adopted by the European Parliament

Landmark vote paves the way for the introduction of new rules to Europe’s digital sphere. On Thursday, January 20th, the European Parliament took a decisive step towards their goal of…

| Whistleblowing

French Senate threatens to undermine European Whistleblower Protection Directive

Amendments to the Sylvain Waserman bill leaves whistleblowers without crucial protection

| Digitalisation | Employment

How the French presidency can deliver for European workers

As Emmanuel Macron outlines his presidency priorities, a just transition must be central to French efforts. On December 9th, French President Emmanuel Macron unveiled the priorities of the upcoming French…

| Employment | Occupational health and safety

Progress as European Commission delivers protections for platform workers

  Many of the calls from trade unions are answered as draft directive outlines how platforms will be held to account Today, December 9 2021, the Proposal for a Directive…

| Digitalisation | Employment

Building back better through the European recovery fund

Eurocadres outlines how the fund can enable a just recovery post-COVID in European Forum event.

Martin speaking during Congress 2021

After 8 years at the helm, Martin Jefflén’s presidency ends during our sixth congress

At the conclusion of his second term in office, Martin Jefflén departs Eurocadres for a new venture in trade unionism