News Headlines

More news

| Psychosocial risks

Worker’s wellbeing in the spotlight once more

Further evidence of legislative limitations leave workers at risk

| Whistleblowing

Uber whistleblower calls for strong legislation

Platforms must not unduly influence latest directive

| Event

New targets set in shaping Europe’s future

General Assembly 2022 concludes with renewed mandate for change

| Whistleblowing

ILO take small steps on global whistleblower protection

Small steps towards true global whistleblower protection

| Psychosocial risks

ILO/WHO and Australian unions begin initiatives on PSR

Worker’s mental health in a global spotlight

| Working conditions | Working time

Negotiations on telework directive set to begin

Eurocadres set to play key role in updating EU rules.

| Elections

The far-right movement continues to undermine the future of Europe

Long before the latest elections in Europe, our complacency began to cost us

| Whistleblowing

ILO seeks new measures for whistleblower protection in the public sector

More work needed to guarantee safe channels and no repercussions

| Occupational health and safety | Working conditions

Media Freedom Act falls short in protection of journalists

While the Commission’s new proposal is a welcome package to defend European democracy, amendments are needed to defend all media workers.

| General

Highlights from SOTEU 2022

Initial analysis of President von der Leyen’s address.