The Eurocadres blog Santa came early to whistleblowers. Now the work starts. 16.12.2019BlogWhistleblowing It is official. The Whistleblower Protection Directive is now reality. On 16 December 2019 the directive entered…

Less than half of all EU member states had whistleblower protection legislation in place before this directive, which means potential whistleblowers were facing a real risk of retaliation.

Those who report corruption, criminal acts and breaches of public trust must be protected, writes Martin Jefflén, who calls for lowering the barriers when it comes to reporting wrongdoing in the corporate sphere.

Significant progress has been made in France on the subject of whistleblower protection and corporate due diligence. A growing work coordination of NGOs, trade unions and academics proved to be important for the process.

On 17 October 2016, the platform that Eurocadres took the initiative to create on EU-wide whistleblower protection was launched. 48 organisations participated from the start, and more are joining. The case for why whistleblowers should be protected is clear.