The Eurocadres blog The time for research, development and innovation is now 16.6.2022BlogDigitalisationSkills One of the key elements that determines the development of a country in its scientific and research…

Workers are Europe’s most important capital. But the last economic crisis has left deep scars, such as job insecurity, more precariousness, poor working conditions, increased deregulation of labour relations, lower wages and a rise in occupational diseases.

Life-ling learning is a necessity, if workers are to remain competitive in today’s high-skilled job markets. A just transition will require the development of reskilling and upskilling programmes.

Inclusion, equity, employability, lifelong learning and the transformation of teaching and learning practices need to be raised higher in every country’s political agenda.

Innovation, technology, automatization and globalization are affecting global industries causing a significant impact on employment, redefining its nature and widening, in many cases, skills gaps.