L’Ugict-CGT, qui fait partie d’Eurocadres, vient de sortir son baromètre annuel sur les opinions et attentes des cadres en France en 2024. Voici les principaux enseignements que nous pouvons tirer…

The Eurocadres blog Promotion Social Dialogue through CSRD reporting 18.9.2024Blog As previously discussed, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) represents a significant legislative instrument from the EU, designed to enforce…

How a new EU file can help deliver a Just Transition

The struggle for gender equality in the workplace has been a hot topic for decades. Despite significant progress in many areas, the gender gap persists in a number of sectors, one of the most prominent being women’s access to management positions.

With soaring energy costs adding to the cost-of-living crisis, Belgian workers now face another pressing issue: the collapse of the childcare sector.

Austrian trade unionist Gerald Musger, who served as a member of Eurocadres Executive Committee from 1993 and vice-president from 2005 to 2013, has recently published a thesis examining the role trade unions play in advancing worker’s knowledge based.

The Eurocadres blog The time for research, development and innovation is now 16.6.2022BlogDigitalisationSkills One of the key elements that determines the development of a country in its scientific and research…

The reduction of working hours has been a traditional demand of the working class and constitutes a necessary and fair request considering the evolution our working world has undergone in recent decades, the economic results achieved and the unequal distribution of these results.

The pandemic has made telework to become the rule and not the exception. And this might stay so also after the pandemic. Being a female professional, this implies an intensified double charge of professional work and private/family tasks.

While major European capitals continue to attract a growing number of highly skilled intra-EU mobile citizens and third-country nationals, professional women on the move may face many difficulties in re-entering the labour market, including periods of unemployment and deskilling in the host country.

In Europe, more women graduate with higher education degrees than men. And yet, men have higher income and get promoted more often than women. While the gender pay gap in Europe has stagnated, the efforts to reduce it has not.

On International Women’s Day, we must draw attention to the new world of work and the effects that automation and digitalisation will have on female professionals and managers around the world.

The total earnings of women are approximately 84 per cent of men’s earnings. The rate of the women’s euro, or female euro, must be raised more rapidly.

The Eurocadres blog Santa came early to whistleblowers. Now the work starts. 16.12.2019BlogWhistleblowing It is official. The Whistleblower Protection Directive is now reality. On 16 December 2019 the directive entered…

Less than half of all EU member states had whistleblower protection legislation in place before this directive, which means potential whistleblowers were facing a real risk of retaliation.

For the past fifteen years, the ever-growing presence of technology has changed our lives, our habits, and our working structures.

Digital and organisational solutions go hand in hand. The role of workers in new work environments is changing.

50 years ago today, in the early morning of June 28th, police raided the Stonewall inn in Greenwich village, New York. This day the LGBT community fought back.