The struggle for gender equality in the workplace has been a hot topic for decades. Despite significant progress in many areas, the gender gap persists in a number of sectors, one of the most prominent being women’s access to management positions.

The Eurocadres blog The time for research, development and innovation is now 16.6.2022BlogDigitalisationSkills One of the key elements that determines the development of a country in its scientific and research…

The reduction of working hours has been a traditional demand of the working class and constitutes a necessary and fair request considering the evolution our working world has undergone in recent decades, the economic results achieved and the unequal distribution of these results.

The pandemic has made telework to become the rule and not the exception. And this might stay so also after the pandemic. Being a female professional, this implies an intensified double charge of professional work and private/family tasks.

On International Women’s Day, we must draw attention to the new world of work and the effects that automation and digitalisation will have on female professionals and managers around the world.

The transition to a resilient, low-carbon economy holds out immense potential for economic, environmental and social development, as well as job creation, however, these benefits will not happen automatically, there could be significant transitional costs and implications .

Inclusion, equity, employability, lifelong learning and the transformation of teaching and learning practices need to be raised higher in every country’s political agenda.

Balancing work and private life is not an easy task for European workers in general, let alone female professionals and managers.

La conciliación de la vida laboral, personal y familiar no resulta fácil para las profesionales y directivas. A menudo se ven obligadas a elegir entre su carrera profesional o su vida familiar.

Innovation, technology, automatization and globalization are affecting global industries causing a significant impact on employment, redefining its nature and widening, in many cases, skills gaps.

Employers should put employees´ mental health at the very top of the agenda especially at this time of ongoing and continuous changes in the labor market that are affecting a key dimension of job quality – health and safety – and which are contributing to the increase of psychosocial risks at a great extent.

The financial crisis and the lack of jobs have caused brain drain, increasing migration of highly educated and skilled workers from the South and East to seek work in the North and West of Europe.