Our member organisations

Members of Eurocadres are national confederations and federations as well as European trade union federations.

Eurocadres has status as a Specific Structure of ETUC, the European Trade Union Confederation, and gathers ETUC affiliates which organise professional and managerial staff.

The ETUC Constitution grants Eurocadres right to participate in the ETUC Committees, Congress etc. with all rights except voting rights and the Eurocadres Constitution in return requires all organisations who wish to join Eurocadres, to also be part of ETUC.




National members of Eurocadres


ÖGB Austrian Trade Union Federation (Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund)


SETCA-BBTK Syndicat des employés techniciens et cadres

CNE Centrale Nationale des Employés

ACV Puls National P&MS Association (Landelijke Bediendecentrale - Nationaal Verbond voor kaderpersoneel)

CGSLB - ACLVB General Confederation of Liberal Trade Unions of Belgium (Centrale Générale des Syndicats Libéraux de Belgique - Algemeine Centrale der Liberale Vakbonden van Belgie)


CITUB Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria

PODKREPA Confederation of Labour


SZH Railwayworker´s Trade Union of Croatia (Sindikat Željezničara Hrvatske)


CMK OS Czech Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions


AC Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (Akademikerne AC)

FH – Danish Trade Union Confederation

TL The Danish Association of Professional Technicians (Teknisk Landsforbund)


TALO Estonian Employees’ Unions’ Association
(Teenistujate Ametiliitude Organisatsioon)


AKAVA Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland

STTK Finnish Confederation of Professionals
(Toimihenkilökeskusjärjestöry )


CFDT Cadres (Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail - Union des Ingenieurs et Cadres)

FO-Cadres Confederal union executives and engineers-Workers Power (Force Ouvrière-Union des cadres et ingénieurs)

FSU Federation Syndicale Unitaire

SNES Syndicat National des Enseignements de Second Degré

UNSA National Union of Autonomous Trade Unions (Union Nationale des Syndicats Autonomes)

CFTC Cadres French Confederation of Christian workers - engineers, managers and the like (Confédération Française des Travailleurs Chrétiens Cadres-union générale des ingérieurs, cadres et assimilés)

UGICT-CGT Union Générale des Ingénieurs Cadres et Techniciens


DGB German Confederation of Trade Unions (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund)


GSEE Greek General Confederation of Labour (Geniki Synomospondia Ergaton Ellados)
OTOE Greek Federation of Bank employee Unions


ESZT Confederation of Unions of Professionals
(Értelmiségi Szakszervezeti Tömörülés)


ICTU Irish Congress of Trade Unions
Fórsa (formerly IMPACT)


CGIL Italian General Confederation of Labour (Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro)
APIQA CGIL Association of Middle Managers, Professionals and High-level Professionals affiliated to CGIL (Associazione generale quadri, professionisti e alte professionalità della CGIL)

CISL Italian Confederation of Workers’ Trade Union
(Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori)

FABI Autonomous Federation of Italian Bankers (Federazione Autonoma Bancari Italiani)

UIL Italian Union of Labour (Unione Italiana del Lavoro)


LCGB Luxembourg Christian Trade Union Confederation
(Lëtzebuerger Chrëschtleche Gewerkschafts-Bond)

OGB-L General Confederation of Labour of Luxembourg
(Confédération Générale du Travail de Luxembourg)


GWU General Workers’ Union


YS Confederation of Vocational Trade Unions
(Yrkesorganisasjonenes Sentralforbund)

FLT The Norwegian Engineers and Managers Association (Forbundet for Ledelse og tecknikk)


NSZZ Solidarnosc Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union "Solidarnosc" (Niezalezny Samorzadny Zwiazek Zawodowy "Solidarnosc"

ZZIT Trade Union of Engineers and Technicians (Zwiazek Zawodowy inzynierów i techników


CGTP-IN General Confederation of Portuguese Workers
(Confederação Geral dos Trabalhadores Portugueses)

UGT-P General Workers’ Union - Portugal (União Geral de Trabalhadores)


CSDR Democratic Trade Union Confederation of Romania (Confederatia Sindicatelor Democratice din Romania)

F.S.L.C.P.R. Union’s Federation of Research and Development Employees Romania (Federația Sindicatelor Lucrătorilor din Cercetare Proiectare din Romania)

FNSA National Federation of Trade Unions of Directors (Federatia Nationala a Sindicatelor din Administratie)


UGT-E General Workers’ Union - Spain
(Union General de Trabajadores)
UTC-UGT Spanish General Union of Workers`s - Professional and Managerial Staff Union (Union de Tecnicos y Cuadros)

CCOO Trade Union Confederation of Workers’ Commissions
(Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras)


TCO Swedish Confederation for Professional Employees (Tjänstemännens Centralorganisation)

SACO Swedish Confederation for Professional Associations (Sveriges akademikers centralorganisation)


CNV National Federation of Christian Trade Unions
(Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond)

FNV Netherlands Trade Union Confederation
(Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging)

VCP Trade union federation for Professionals (Vakcentrale voor Professionals)


TUC Trade Union Congress

PROSPECT Union for professionals

PCS Public and Comercial Services Union

European Trade Union Federations members of Eurocadres

EFFAT European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions

EFBWW/FETBB European Federation of Building and Woodworkers

ETUCE/CSEE European Trade Union Committee for Education - EI European Region

IndustriAll European Federation for Industry and Manufacturing Workers

EPSU European Federation of Public Service Unions

UNI-EUROPA European trade union federation for services and communication